This past Monday I made 4 different kinds of freezer meals. 7 meals in all, although they will probably stretch out to 14 meals. Its only me and Booger who eat dinner, since the hubs works till 9 and eats, salads that I make him, there. Anyways I plan on making a blog post about it all, after we taste them all. But I wanted to share the one we ate last night. Burrito pie!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Freezer Meal Number One
This past Monday I made 4 different kinds of freezer meals. 7 meals in all, although they will probably stretch out to 14 meals. Its only me and Booger who eat dinner, since the hubs works till 9 and eats, salads that I make him, there. Anyways I plan on making a blog post about it all, after we taste them all. But I wanted to share the one we ate last night. Burrito pie!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Update, Life and Blog
Friday, January 17, 2014
Big News
I just found out we are having a little one!!!

Since this blog is about me, and My Shananigan, the posts coming in might start to shift to be a little more baby related. Don't get scared and run away, it won't take over.... well till the baby takes over LOL. I have had tons and tons of ideas for posts this past few months. I have even taken photos and thought up everything to write, but I just don't seem to be delivering. I just get so busy. I am going to try and start a list of blogs to write and hopefully push one out a day.
I have also looking into being more green, chemical and GMO free in almost every way. I hope to start writing posts about that. My posts will still have the Shananigans flare, don't worry abut that. I also hope to post more about daily/weekly life here in my crazy life, with little bit, the hubz and the new bean coming. I had to call it a bean .... seems appropriate in a wrong way lol. Shoot little bits nickname is booger, well only I call her that.
Anyways about this new baby. I am only about 4 weeks along, I know really early stages. I knew I was prego about a week before the tests would tell me. They kept coming up negative, and I was like no that's not right. Finally I was like ok I am going to do one more... and BAM baby! First thing Booger (gonna change her nick on here since there is another lil coming) said was "I wanna help with the baby!". I didnt want to tell the hubs till he came home, he was at work, but I couldn't hold it in. Booger almost told him before I could, blurting out, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" LOL
She is so excited and said September 19 is to far away, which is the estimated due date. I still need to see a Doc to make sure everything is ok, but I am sure it is. Booger wants a sister but I want a boy, already had a girl. Well I guess we won't find that out till probably April.
Ok I am going to go and look at more green living and working out while pregnant, which I hope to write about. (^_^)
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Xmas countdown
My husband (that's strange to say), got a Santa alien form my dad's wife, and he took the hat off. So I grabbed it with this idea of turning our Halloween countdown in to a Xmas one. I took a piece of cardboard and painted Xmas on, then just taped it a bit crooked. I wanted it to look close to the Nightmare Before Christmas countdown clock. Although my little guy looks more like Achmed. It's ok, it makes me smile when I see it.
The hat and sign come off, so it now has duel use. Well triple use if you count that it counts down to Halloween and our anniversary at the same time. If you don't already know, I got married this past Halloween. I will post pictures and everything after I get them.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Ever After
While shopping for Monster High dolls for little bit, I kept seeing these Ever After High dolls. I had to find out what they were. I love fairy tales, and little bit loves princesses and witches. Turns out C.A. Cupid has transferred over from Monster High to Ever After High, to help out. I don't care for how they changed her look, but it does fit the Ever After look better. Anyways, Ever After High is where all the Grimm's fairy tale characters children go to school. Just like Monster High is where all the Monster's children go to school. I think I might be getting a few of the dolls for miss little bit. I love Raven Queen, Madeline Hatter and Cerise Hood. Of coarse I like the rebels over the royals. Little bit will probably like the royals, but who knows.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice .... BEETLEJUICE
Dum, dum, dum, dum, nah nah nah nah nah.. do do do ...... ITS SHOWTIME!
:Cough: ok anyways. If you have not heard, Tim and Keaton have both said they are working on a new Beetlejuice movie :SQUEE: Then I heard Katy Perry was asking to be Lydia :evil stare with grumbling:. Ummm No! Today I found out that Winona Ryder is on board. :Whew: that's better. She went on to say that it will be set 27 years after the first one. Which also lifted my spirits, I was not sure what they were going to do... new people, remake, past, future.
Here is to hoping this will make the cartoons get a DVD release, please.
I love the cartoons, and want to show the little one them with out using the internet to do it.
Now I am going to go watch my favorite episodes. Prince of the neither world, Brides of Funkenstine, and Poe Pourri. Ah, Edger you warm my heart. Nevermore.... day dreaming over.
I can't wait to hear more about this movie!
The Christmas Fairy
I have been debating over getting an elf on a shelf and starting a new tradition in our family. Even though we are not christian we still celebrate Christmas as a family holiday, more like Yule (with out the rituals). Just a day to spend time showing each other we love each other. Anyways back to what I was saying, I have been thinking about getting the elf on a shelf and desided it's not in the budget this year. That thing cost $30! I went looking online for a little inspiration to do my own. Then I got to thinking, the Christmas movie we watch about Santa every year, has no elves... it has fairies and nymphs. We watch the movie we watch is The Life and Adventure of Santa Claus . They have two versions one clay and the other cartoon, we prefer the claymation one. The only movie we watch with elves is The Return of the Gardians, and those elves are goofs lol.
The other day when I went to pick up a barbie house, shelf that looks like a house, and other barbie items , I found on Craig's list for only 100. We are turning the house into a monster high house, photos later when we are done. In with all the stuff was this fairy. I just had to transform her and turned her into our Christmas Fairy!
I am planing on making a note to go with her and explain, who she is and not to touch her. Although I do know that she probly will be touched, I found an awesome idea on pintrest about emergency elf dust, well now fairy dust (^_^). I am not going to me moving her to much, like all the elves do, she is mostly just going to sit and watch the little one to make sure she is behaving. Maybe she will move a little (^_-) .
Here is her process, she was orange and gold. I used nail polish and painted her mint green and silver. Then I made her a tutu dress with a little snow flake belt. I made the tutu like a normal one, except I cut the tule in half length wise and added an angle on the tips to make it more fairy like.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Addams Family News
While looking for an image for my Google+ header, (^^this one^^) I found out something amazing! The Addams Family is returning to the big screen!! Its going to be animated :squee:, here is to hoping its closer to the original comics. I was holding out hope that Tim Burton would pick this one back up, but looks like he will not be ... so far :evil look towards MGM: . Good news is Pamela Pettler, from Corpse Bride and Monster House, will be writing the script. No director yet :evil glare at MGM: , and no idea what type of animation style they will use. I am excited and will be staying up to date with this.
I want this image blown up and framed in my dinning room.
I want this image blown up and framed in my dinning room.
I was hesitant to see Angelina Jolie as Maleficent.
After seeing this trailer it made me feel a bit better. For the two seconds that she speaks, she has convinced me that she might make a good Maleficent. In the back of my mind is a little voice screaming, those might be the only two good seconds. "Shut up voice", I am holding out hope that this is a great movie. Maleficent totally deserves her own movie. I just hope they give her a good back story and not some hog wash blahblahblah she turned evil cause of some stupid blahblahblah reason.
After seeing this trailer it made me feel a bit better. For the two seconds that she speaks, she has convinced me that she might make a good Maleficent. In the back of my mind is a little voice screaming, those might be the only two good seconds. "Shut up voice", I am holding out hope that this is a great movie. Maleficent totally deserves her own movie. I just hope they give her a good back story and not some hog wash blahblahblah she turned evil cause of some stupid blahblahblah reason.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
My girls.
My girls sleeping. They love to snuggle with each other. Both of them passed out while watching the movie.
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