Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oh wow!

I have been gone to to to long. Its been crazy here and I just have not had time to write up all the post that I have wanted to do. I will try to be back here more, but life is going to get a lot crazier here! I will give you an update on whats going on.
Unfortunately I had to leave school, I don't want to go in to detail why, but just know the cal-works system at avc is crap. Anyways ..... Starting next month the little bit and I will be having preschool home school. I am so excited. I have always wanted to home school, so we are going to test it out for preschool. Don't wanna mess her up to bad if it does not work out lol. I have been doing lots of research, my pinterest is going nuts. I have library books stacked by the bed and been taking notes and scheduling a curriculum. We are going to follow a hybrid system of Charlotte Mason method, unit studies and classical study.
I will probably do posts of our schedule, what we are doing and everything else. 
So I have that going on. Then I have some pretty big news ... idk if I should post it here yet.
No I am not pregnant .... yet lol, yes we are going to start trying. I had to get my IUD taken out because I have cyst on both ovaries causing pain, which is a side effect of the IUD since it stops your period but not your cycle. It's crazy. The man and I talked and we want to have another little one, and I want one before I am 30 ..... which is all to soon (next year). 
Back to that big news, I am not going to post about it yet. Lets just say I finally set a date. 

So my life is about to get crazy busy.
I will post more on everything soon.

We also changed our diets to only organic, non-gmo food. So I have been coupon nuts trying to save. I will post more about savings and my choices about the switch later.

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